Thursday 23 May 2013

Lazy days & thoughts on fashion

I've got a case of what's affectionately referred to as "the blahs" today. Do you ever get like that, where you can't really will yourself to do much of anything? I did a lot of reading ghost stories and making delicious food.
I did watch 2 chapters of my Modern Pin Up dvd, and it is absolutely fantastic! Micheline sure has a way with make up, and I had never thought of using lighter & darker shades of foundations as contouring/highlighting tools. She's really changed the whole way I look at doing my makeup and I cannot wait to get through the rest of the dvd's. Me thinks a beauty shopping trip will be in order for the near future, I must stock up on some new beauty essentials that I never even knew I needed. Oh the consumeristic power of persausion. Watching the video got me thinking about fashin, beauty and my own revolution into a very classic 1940's, early '50's look.
There are many different sub-genres on the whole vintage idea of fashion, none of which I am opposed to in anyway. But for myself personally, I prefer a  more classic look. I unfortunately do have 3 tattoos, 2 large ones on my upper left arm (which I absolutely detest) & a smaller one on my right calf. I state unfortunately because I got them at quite a young age and regret them terribly; especially the ones on my arm. I plan to have them removed by laser as soon as I can, but in the meantime ussually prefer not to show my upper arm. One of my one of my main style idols is the always beautiful Betty Grable (pictured below with Lauren Bacall and Marilyn Monroe).

I first became aware of Betty while watching How to Marry A Millionaire as a young child. I just remember seeing her wonderful hair and big smile, thinking that I wanted to be like that when I grew up. I continued to watch these classic Hollywood movies all throughout my childhood, and would often sew outfits for my Barbies based on the glamorous clothing the stars wore. I could remember thinking how exciting it would be to get dressed up like these women everyday and look just as stylish. Then that moment sets in where you become old enough to realize the world  is now a very different place, and polyester prevails.
I went through many different "phases" of look growing up, but would always come back to some variation of a vintage concept. Finally finding myself in the look I call my own today. Many wearers of vintage looks will relate when I talk of the stares people often give, or the comments "what are you all dressed up for?", or the wolf whistles from appreciative men. These are things you become quite used to the longer you've been dressing this way. One of my favorite reactions is when an elderly person, who surely grew up in the time I so often yearn for in my clothing, will look upon me affectionatly; mentioning how I remind them of their heydays in the 40's or 50's. It's ussually those people that will comment how nice it is to see some young people are still dressing 'proper' or classy, as it is seen as a sign of taking care of oneself. I will never go out anywhere, no matter how mundae the task, wearing sweats or (heaven forbid) pajama pants!
It is fot this reason that I often find I must sew my own clothing. I am tall, 5'9", and find real vintage often does not fit my long body and limbs. Dresses are obviously too short and sleeves look ridiculous on my long arms. Don't even get me started on the ill fitting bodices of dresses made to fit  petite women. In making my own clothing I can tailor my wardrobe to my needs and literally create anything my imagination can come up with or that I see in one of my beloved old Hollywood films. I have tried a few 'repro' brands, but have not been impressed with the quality of the clothing, nor the fabrics often used. And of course there is that all too familar statement many home sewers often catch themselves saying, "why would I pay that much for That, when I could make a better one myself". The popularity of vintage inspired dress has defenitely blown up in recent years as well, which can often come with is advantages for a die hard such as myself.

Dita - a true inspiration, and no doubt one of the more well known vintage mavens of today

While there are many vintage fashion themed blogs out there, many of which I thoroughly enjoy, I wanted to carve my own piece of the virtual world. But I promise to try and ramble abou more than just fashion, heck it's my bog and I'll talk about whatever I please! Haha. People will often be suprised to learn that a die hard skirt and heel wearer such as myself is also a devoted runner, P90X enthusiast, practicing mountain climber and kick boxer. It's interesting how people will look at one aspect of a person and often assume there are no other layers to them. Surely people who enjoy wearing high heeled shoes do something more with their free time than polish their shoe collections? Well I think I may be done my ramble for today, but keep your eyes peeled for that much promised outfit post (I'm camera shy!).


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